Technical Name Interactive VR/AR Cyber-Physical Application Integration Technology towards Intelligent Manufacturing for Networked Multiple Machinery
Project Operator National Chung Cheng University
Project Host 高永洲
Established virtual reality based 3D interactive modular machinery elements can facilitate users’ construction of a VR manufacturing cyber-physical system (CPS) through networked data collection, analysis, and feature extraction towards bi-directional efficient and effective manufacturing. Synergy of AI and VR can enhance more realistic CPS for machinery operation simulation, movement simulation, and safety manufacturing process simulation, etc.
Scientific Breakthrough
Provide smart machinery and manufacture a software digital service for deepening the value pool in the competitive technology stack. The software centric service can redefine current machinery product and design methodology, and expected to result in a new opportunity of 20 to 35% market growth through the synergy of an AI based service platform with 3D virtual reality visibility software application.
Industrial Applicability
The developed technology has created a VR service platform to ease introduction of machine products for sells, ease the learning/training for better application practices, and maintenance. Manufacturing processes data can be logged with time stamp for further analysis, feature extraction, and achieve value-adding smart manufacturing in the specific domain.
Keyword Virtual Reality Machinery Interaction Augmented Reality Maintenance and Learning Intelligent Cyber Physical Visibility Technology Networked Smart Manufacturing Digital Services Value-Adding Service Technology Full Machine Simulation Collision Detection Simulation Technology Customization Toolpath Simulation Machining Cell System Simulation
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