Technical Name Smart glove with soft force sensors for virtual reality somatosensory equipment training
Project Operator National Sun Yat-sen University
Project Host 潘正堂/李大輝/邱日清
The smart glove was made by soft force sensor with the multi-walled carbon nanotube cast in the mesh structurecombined with an interdigitated electrode together, then used AC/DC conversionspace calculation to establish the interactive virtual reality(VR) somatosensory system under the wireless. The recipient can achieve the same feedback as the demonstrator's behaviorskills in VR.
Scientific Breakthrough
The virtual reality (VR) training system is a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) cast in a mesh structurecombined with the interdigitated electrode together to produce the soft piezoresistive sensor which is generated the difference of resistance by intertwined MWCNT. The sensor was embedded in the glove to wireless transmit hand powerposture to the VR to achieve the demonstrator.
Industrial Applicability
The smart glove in the virtual reality(VR) training system with an innovative sensor is low-cost, flexibilityhigh sensitivity. The wireless transmission was integrated VRforce feedback to let the trainees get the data of the demonstrators to improve the effectiveness of the trainingproviding an innovative development direction for the domestic educationtraining industry.
Keyword Soft sensor Flexibility Virtual reality Technical heritage Education training Somatosensory equipment Interactive gloves Force feedback Cloud database Bilateral wireless transmission
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