Technical Name Thermo-shapeable spacer fabric for orthopedic support
Project Operator National Taipei University of Technology
Project Host 芮祥鵬
To use 3-D spacer fabricsthen coat a specifically designed polymer (Low melting temperature) to produce the shape thermoplastic 3D mesh fabrics, which can be easily re-shaped repeatedly vby hair dryerhot water. The target product is a shape thermoplastic 3D orthopedic support (thermoplastic castspine correcting clothing) with light weightbreathability.
Scientific Breakthrough
"1.	Synthesizing special low melting temperature polyester
2.	Special weaving technique of 3-D spacer fabric.
3.	Special coatingdipping technology"
Industrial Applicability
Such product can be used in an advanced material for medical treatment. The technology demonstrates that the feasibility to produce a thermoplasticrecyclable fabric/resin composite.
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