Technical Name Virtual Fitness Coaches of Squat
Project Operator Shih Chien University
Project Host
Reinforcing the core muscle by squatting training is the core of various sports. 
In the past, squat training requires a fitness coach based on the state of the training process of each person to make appropriate recommendations.
This system utilized with MS Kinect camera and ITRI Bluetooth insoles for analysis of real-time skeleton movement, the center of gravity and sports physiological data of users. It also combined with virtual reality sports gyms and virtual fitness coaches to show the way of movement suggestions on exercise for exercise posture correction. It corrects the user's athletic posture to enhance the movement efficiency, and thus achieve the purpose of national health campaign.
Scientific Breakthrough
智能運動 , 提升效率
運動數據 , 專業分析
數據呈現 , 圖示說明
報告顯示 , 自動儲存
歷史資訊 , 簡易查詢
Industrial Applicability
隨著運動健身趨勢抬頭,許多人亟欲了解並掌握自身運動過程中生理數據變化,本系統結合 Kinect 攝影機進行即時運動骨架分析,加上工研院無線藍芽鞋墊提供運動過程的重心變化與運動生理資訊,並運用虛擬實境運動場館VR虛擬健身教練的呈現方式進行運動示範與運動姿勢校正之運動處方簽建議,修正使用者運動姿勢以提升運動效率,未來可運用於其他智能運動項目與場域,結合科技與運動進而達到全民健康運動的目的。
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