Technical Name A high value-added invention on powdered machining equipment with hydrolytic solubility technology for fish bone/scales
Project Operator National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Project Host 王貳瑞
This invention targets at value-added increase for fish bone/scale by-products through a series of manufacturing units of steaming, pressure/ temperature, and drying. The core design of pressure/temperature in terms of powdered machining equipment consists of a high pressure chamber, heating components, superheated steam, and operations experiments as well.
Scientific Breakthrough
Industrial Applicability
The purposes of this invention are to solve fish by-products in terms of discarded bone/scales and to provide calcium and nourishments sources by using hydrolyzed procedures. A set of powdered machining equipment is developed and the implementation of the invention in whole can be used to increase the value for aquaculture supply chain and enhance the aquaculture industry competitive advantage as well.
Keyword aquaculture industry aquaculture machining by-products fish bone powder fish scale powder calcium nourishments high pressure/temperature manufacturing procedures powdered technology hydrolytic solubility superheated steam
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