Technical Name Utilizing artifical intelligent to analyze EEG signals for decoding human emotion
Project Operator National Central University
Project Host 徐國鎧
Human brain is the most mysterious organ in our body. The human mind is constructed by 85 billion neurons which are tightly connected to produce the specific mental functions. With the development of intelligent technology, the artificial intelligent provides not only the possibility of interaction between human braincomputer, but also open a window for interpreting our minds.
Scientific Breakthrough
Traditional techniques utilize indirect information, such as facial imagelimb movements, to recognize subject's emotional states. The breakthrough of this project demonstrates the feasibility of recognizing people's motor intentionsemotion states from EEG data with artificial intelligent technologies. The proposed emotion detection platform can be combined with Facebook, Google+insta
Industrial Applicability
The proposed emotion detection platform can be combined with Facebook, Google+instagram to help self-emotion detection, assistance of doctor ,new type of future social communications.
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