Technical Name PHOENIX CubeSat
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University
Project Host 莊智清
The PHOENIX CubeSat system contains scientific payloadsubsystems of  structure/mechanism, electrical power, data handling, attitude control, tracking/telemetry & command, thermal control subsystem,flight software. The system engineering endeavor is a series of design, analysis, assembly, integration, test, launch,operation. The PHEONIX CubeSat has been operating for more than one year, indicating a high technical readiness level.
Scientific Breakthrough
The payload of the PHOENIX CubeSat is an ionneutral particle mass spectrometer that is capable of measuring the density of ionsneutral particles in the thermosphere. The measurements are crucial for a better understanding of the atmospheresolar radiation with good spatialtemporal resolutions, paving the foundation for researches on global warming, space weather, hypersonic flig
Industrial Applicability
The CubeSats have made a disruptive innovation in the space science, engineering,business communities. With its low costshort development time, CubeSats have become enablers in many low-earth-orbit missionsspace exploration missions. The PHOENIX CubeSat development experience will further be exploited by taking advantages of the domestic information, computer,communication tech
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