Technical Name SMART
Project Operator National ScienceTechnology Center for Disaster Reduction
Project Host 陳宏宇
Smart evacation supporting system is based on scenarios to exercise different conditions of evcuation operation. And, the data analysis algorithm will recommend a evacution route for different users according to the conditions. Finally, the system provide real-time evacution informatton through LINE channel.
Scientific Breakthrough
The project applies integrated real-time dataalgorithms for automatic path planningdistributing resources to the field of disaster responses. It also applies the algorithms on Line platform.
Industrial Applicability
This tool can give individuals suggestions about choices of evacuation routesshelters during emergencies.
It can also give the local governments ideas if the current shelters opened are enough, if the current shelters opened are near disaster areas, if the routes to the shelters are dangerous becasue of disaster, if there are needs to open other shelters.
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