Technical Name Organic Photovoltaics MaterialsModule
Project Operator National Chiao Tung University
Project Host 許千樹
We developed p-type conjugated polymersn-type nonfullerene acceptors. The materials are used to develop large area organic solar cell modules by solution process. The PCE of small area devicemodules can be improved to over 148, respectively, with enhanced the ambient stabilitythermal stability. The OPVs will be fabricated on flexible substrates to develop wearable electronics
Scientific Breakthrough
We developed p-type conjugated polymer materialsn-type nonfullerene electron acceptor materials in large scale production. These materials with suitable energy levelscomplementary absorption can achieve PCE over 14the large-area organic solar cell modules can achieve PCE over 8 with enhanced ambient stabilitythermal stability.
Industrial Applicability
For the industry application, we hope that the organic solar cell could be commercializecreate the all new solar energy market. In the end, the organic solar cell can apply on softflexible substrate to develop the soft electronicswearable electronics. Furthermore, the organic solar cell can connect with the in-door lighting applicationInternet of Things.
Keyword synthesis large scale production conjugated polymers fullerenes non-fullerene acceptor organic solar cell module Internet of Things In-door lighting wearable electronics
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