Technical Name The comprehensive multi-tier long-term care delivery information platform
Project Operator National Health Research Institutes
Project Host 熊昭
This project aims to incorporate the state-of-the-art InformationCommunication Technologies (ICT), the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data techniques in linking every aspect of community-based integrated long-term care (LTC), improving the efficiency of care servicesadministrative process,to realize the idea of Aging in Place emphasized in the Long-term Care Policy 2.0 in Taiwan.
Technical Film
Scientific Breakthrough
NHRI has built the comprehensive care-delivery information platform by ICT-introduced long-term care (LTC) service delivering management and resource sharing that integrates LTC services and health care provided by local community-based multi-tier ABC LTC services. This platform will gradually establish local person-centered health database with data standardization for LTC Big Data techniques application in developments of LTC clinical practice guidelines, decision support system and AI in long-term care industry.
Industrial Applicability
Establish local person-centered health database to fulfill person-centered health care services in multi-tier intervention care models by the Long-term Care Policy 2.0 in Taiwan.
1. Linkage of multi-tier ABC services to optimize care delivery.
2. Facilitate communication between different care givers and professions to improve care efficiency.
3. Develop periodic statistical reports for performance- assessment of long-term care services.
Keyword Aging in Place Ten-Year Long-term Care Program 2.0 Community-based Integrated Care System Information and Communication Technology Internet of Things Big Data Innovative service models for health and well-bein Smart Health Smart Long-term Care Cloud Computing
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