Technical Name Piezoelectric accelerometers with high sensitivity for unmanned vehicles & Piezoelectric Accelerometer Readout CircuitSAR ADC.
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University
Project Host 朱聖緣/張順志
We develope ZnO:Li as lead-free piezoelectric materialssuccessfully develop lead-free piezoelectric MEMS accelerometers through MEMS process technology. Since the input signal of the SAR ADC is voltage, Therefore, the charge generated by the accelerometer must be converted into a voltage signal. The method adopted is to convert the current through the resistor into a voltage signal by using t
Scientific Breakthrough
The lead-free piezoelectric material ZnO:Li(LZO) developed by our team has a piezoelectric characteristic d33 = 22.85 pm/V, which is the world's leading value. The contribution of present work is to designmanufacture of lead-free piezoelectric accelerometers with wide frequencyhigh sensitivity for unmanned vehiclessmart machine applications.
Industrial Applicability
MEMS sensors are not only suitable for popular used in large number of consumer electronics industries, but also suitable for Internet of Things sensing applications in the future. The market's revenues highlights. MEMS sensors are currently the largest in the marketare still inertial sensors. They are widely used, such as industrial 4.0, IoT underlying sensing components, vehicle networking 
Keyword SAR ADC readout circuit transconductance transresistance Piezoelectric Accelerometer MEMS Doping ZnO Sputtering
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