Technical Name Separation Membrane bearing Preferentially Ordered Morphology
Project Operator National Central University, Department of Chemistry
Project Host 諸柏仁
Through induced self-assembly, electric field poling technique produced long range ordered structures and symmetric morphological geometries in larger dimensional scale. This technique revolutionized traditional preparation of membranes. These novel membranes show preferentially ordered, densely packed, low tortuous morphology and resolved the grid-lock in membranes for fuel cells, lithium battery, air and water purification and blood separation.
Scientific Breakthrough
Electric field polarization induced dense-packed, preferentially ordered morphology. Selectivity is improved as the permeability difference increases, but the diffusion is faster due to decrease of tortuosity. Furthermore, mechanical strength and chemical stability are also improved. The discovery innovate process to prepare membrane with high conductivity, separation efficiency, and strength.
Industrial Applicability
This innovate technology produces preferential morphology in variety of plastics (Nafion, PES, PSU, PBI etc.) The discovery is integrated to membrane manufacturing to provide high performance material for (1) Fuel cell (2) Automobile lithium battery and (3) Kidney dialysis. Since such membrane is not available in market, this breakthrough technology can potentially impact renewable energy, environmental protection and bio-tech industries.
Keyword Supramolecular self-assembly ion exchange membranes separation membranes functional polymers electric field polarization diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Functional Membrane Fuel Cells Lithium Battery Kidney Dialysis
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