Technical Name Smart Manufacturing enabled by embedded force sensor monitoring cutting force
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University
Project Host 鄭友仁
(1)An embedded design to allow for installation in key location for direct measurement of cutting force (2) A choice of key location to ensure direction measurement of the cutting force and precision and durability of the sensor. (3) The industrial big data established using this sensor provide vital knowledge of the tool life, tool wear, cutting rate, feed rate and choice of working fluid for various material.
Scientific Breakthrough
Comprehensive stress strain analysis based on the embedded design and choice of location allows the developed sensor to provide high sensitivity of the force measurement and robust structure design. As a result, this embedded sensor is a powerful tool for cutting monitoring, tool life prognosis, and collecting industrial big data.
Industrial Applicability
A key machine tool company has employed this novel technology in a line of their high-end product to enhance the cutting efficiency during high-speed cutting, provide prognosis of cutting tool, and choice of optimal operation parameters.
Keyword Machine tool Tool metal Sensor Big Data Cutting Band saw Sawing knowledge base Smart monitoring Smart Manufacturing
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