技術名稱 NaviFUS® 光學導航型聚焦式超音波系統
計畫單位 NaviFUS Corp.
計畫主持人 Dr. Arthur Lung
- 利用光學導航機精準瞄準腦部治療區,並將聚焦式超音波以無創方式導入腦部,可暫時性開啟目標區域的血腦屏障,讓藥物精準遞送、發揮治療效用
- 可用以治療復發性多形性膠質母細胞瘤及癲癇等不同腦部適應症。等待腦瘤、癲癇適應症完成臨床試驗,順利取證上市後,下一階段將啟動帕金森氏症、阿茲海默、憂鬱症等更多適應症研發
NaviFUS® System is an innovative technology platform that can provide personalized treatment for brain disorders such as glioblastomaepilepsy. It achieves this by temporarily opening the BBB non-invasively, safely increasing the probability of drug penetration into the brain it can also non-invasively alleviate seizures in epilepsy patients. The NaviFUS® System utilizes neuronavigation guidance, allowing it to be an outpatient procedure that can reduce costsminimize treatment time.
NaviFUS has run clinical trials at local hospitals in Taiwan like Linkou CGMHTaipei VGH,it is working on opening clinical trials at NTU Hospital. NaviFUS also has working partnerships with Taiwanese companiesis always seeking opportunities to improve its productstreatment portfolio. Through its partnerships, NaviFUS seeks to drive innovation in Taiwan’s medtech industrycontribute new clinical solutions to serve patients with neurological disorders in the local community.
關鍵字 半導體創新應用
  • 聯絡人
  • 王詩華 Susan Wang