Technical Name The development of lemon seeds natural antiseptic substances
Project Operator National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Project Host 謝寶全
The development of natural preservatives has become a trend. The world's annual output of by-products of fruit and vegetable processing is about 0.3 to 67 metric tons. Therefore, from the perspective of food safety and the current trend of consumers who want products free of chemical additives, there is a potential business opportunity in developing these by-products in processing and to recover active chemical substances.
The aim of this plan is to use lemon waste, lemon seeds, as raw materials, then obtain products with antibacterial properties, and then concentrating repeatedly. The raw material can be acquired naturally from lemons. In the production process, the natural ingredients of the product are retained with the top biotechnology to produce high-quality, environmentally friendly products that meet the needs of modern consumers.
Scientific Breakthrough
The commercially available peanut tofu was added with lemon seed bacteriostatic agent for storage test. The peanut tofu with lemon seed bacteriostatic agent keeps the number of bacteria stable at less than 10 CFU / mL and bacteria dose not increase. The storage period can be 9 to 10 times longer than the present storage time on the market, and there is no sign of corruption for 28 days.
Industrial Applicability
The commercially available peanut tofu was added with lemon seed bacteriostatic agent for storage test. The peanut tofu with lemon seed bacteriostatic agent keeps the number of bacteria stable at less than 10 CFU / mL and bacteria dose not increase. The storage period can be 9 to 10 times longer than the present storage time on the market, and there is no sign of corruption for 28 days.
Keyword lemon seeds antibacterial natural products non-toxic extraction food processing safety mold bacteria yeast
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