Technical Name Multi-function smart window film
Project Operator National Sun Yat-sen University
Project Host
The multi-function smart window film can be directly attached on the existing glass, the glass thus can be selected between transparency, privacy protection, window tint and image display. It solves the current challenge including single-function and high cost from glass replacement.
Scientific Breakthrough
The applications of glass can be seen everywhere from moving vehicles to the buildings, from outdoor display windows to indoor partitions and windows. Glass provides users with natural lighting, spaciousness and modern design style. It is now a very popular building element. However, the light cannot be directly adjusted under different weather, sun exposure, temperature, or scenery. In other words, while enjoying the lighting and scenery, users must sacrifice the privacy and endure the heat from light. it also brings inconvenience to users.
In this work, a novel multi-functional smart window whose function can be directly selected depends on user needs are demonstrated. This novel technology successfully combined the developed liquid crystal switching technology that has obtained several patents with the flexible electronics production technology (roll to roll fabrication process). After it attached on the existing glass, the glass can be selected between transparency, privacy protection and window tint as displayed in Fig. 1. Moreover, the image and information displayed on the glass is also achieved.
Compared to the existing single-function smart window (such as electrochromic, polymer dispersed liquid crystal windows), this novel technology significantly extends the function of smart glass and successfully integrates into existing glass, providing humans with more comfortable, intuitive and convenient life.
Industrial Applicability
本產品-智慧型窗戶為可以主動調整透光狀態的透明玻璃,使用者可隨著需求,主動調整室內外光線穿透與隱私保護,提供人類更舒適、更便利的生活,其應用情境與發展潛力如下 :
交通工具 : 早上行車可以切換至隔熱狀態(如隔熱紙)阻隔刺眼光線與熱能,晚上行車與停車時可切換至透明狀態保有行車視野(如一般玻璃),離開車輛後可切換至霧狀態,保護車內之隱私(如窗簾)。
建築外牆 : 建築用電超過50% 為照明與空調,智慧型窗戶可搭配日照時間,主動式的調控室內外光線通量,更有效率的使用照明與空調設備,並可在夜晚切換至霧狀態,確保生活之隱私。
透明顯示器 : 搭配投影,於透明玻璃中進行影像顯示與資訊互動,滿足擴增實境(AR)之未來生活。
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