Technical Name From IC Layout to Die Photo: Deep Learning-Based IC Fabrication SimulationMask Correction
Project Operator National Tsing Hua University
Project Host 林嘉文
This technology consists of two convolutional neural networks (CNNs): LithoNetOPCNet. LithoNet mimics the fabrication procedure, involving lithographyetching,  to  predict the shape of a fabricated IC circuitry given an input layout. OPCNet, in cooperation with a pre-trained LithoNet, mimics the optical proximity correction procedure used to correct the layout designgenerate a modif
Scientific Breakthrough
This technology is the first to use a deep neural network to accurately model the effect of lithographyetching processes on the shape deformation of a fabricated IC circuitry. It can also generates a correct mask pattern so that the fabricated IC circuitry will have a shape close to a desired pattern. The technolgy can lead to a paradigm shift of IC design for manufacturability.
Industrial Applicability
This technology can be used by semiconductor manufacturers for modeling IC fabrication processesIC design CAD tools for design for Manufacturability.
Keyword Deep Learning Covolutional Neural Network IC Fabrication Virtual Metrology Lithography Etching Photomask correctiin Optical Proximity Correction Computer Aided Design Design for Manufacturability
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