Technical Name Use of high-low-intrinsic aerobic exercise mice for discoveryinnovation in evolutionchronic diseases
Project Operator National Taiwan Sport University
Project Host 黃啟彰
Our research team is currently the only one in Taiwan that has been developed a novel platform using the swimming exercise model for selection of mice with high-low- intrinsic aerobic exercise capacity. Our platform could be applied to study effects of exercise capacity in evolutionchronic diseases. It is also possible to be used to develop health food materialsdrug development with performance improvement, anti- aging,women's health promotion.
Scientific Breakthrough
We have bred intrinsic high-low-aerobic exercise capacity mice. This platform could be applied to explore the changes in the physical evolution of aerobic-exercise capacity,apply to metabolic diseases, physical activity-deficient diseases, female diseasesadvanced medicine issue. It could be used as an important monitoring indicator for future nutritional supplementsdifferent spo
Industrial Applicability
"(1) Sports biotechnology industry: our platform could be used to screen health care materials for improving athletic performance.
(2) Women's health industry: our platform could be used for R&D of post-natalmenopausal women for health promotiondisease prevention.
(3) The elderly industry: our platform could be used to find the key factors to combat agingprevent muscle loss in el
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