Technical Name LevioPole
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University Hierarchical Green-Energy Materials (Hi-GEM) Research Center
Project Host 黃肇瑞講座教授
LevioPole is a rod-like haptic device providing realistic force feedback for full-body interaction. The device is consisted of one aluminum pipe and two rotor units for generating both rotational and linear forces. Therefore, the marked difference among the similar devices is LevioPole provides full body somatic experience. And, the form of full body interaction is a spark in the somatics field.
Scientific Breakthrough
LevioPole is a rod-like haptic device providing realistic force feedback for full-body interaction in virtual reality and augmented reality. The marked difference among the similar devices is that LevioPole provides full body somatic experience. The form of full body interaction is a spark in the somatics field, since it points out the possibilities of exploring virtual force feedback.
Industrial Applicability
LevioPole is a haptic device providing realistic force feedback which can be applied on amusement industry for simulating specific somatic experience. So far, two games are developed for exploring the feasibilities of future application: paddling game and super leaping experience. Because of the rod-like shape of device, users can sense pretty different somatic feedback while interacts with LevioPole-full-body interaction.
Keyword Human Augmentation Haptic Device Kinesthesia Airflow Illusion of Self-motion Mid-air Haptic Full-body Interaction
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