Technical Name Novel nano-hydrogel technology on medicine, biomaterial, food and cosmetics
Project Operator National Chung Hsing University
Project Host
1.A novel three-dimensional skin equivalent
2.A supercritical extraction system preserves bioactivity: no toxicity, environmental friendly, high efficiency, refine efficient biological elements
3.Advantages of hydrogel: large area; ‎30 s quick-drying; cool and pain-killing; transparent and difficult to observe; moisturization; tension and contraction; biodegradation; easy to clean / makeup
Scientific Breakthrough
1.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 6354972, 2018
IF: 4.963; Ranks: Cell Bioilogy, 56/189, 29.62%
2.Bioresource Technology, 244, 1407-1415, 2017
IF: 5.807; Ranks: Agricultural Engineering, 1/14, 7.14%
3.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2853543, 2016
IF: 4.963; Ranks: Cell Bioilogy, 56/189, 29.62%
南非團隊的1 篇綜述在匯整後的表格中,直接引用了本篇論文的實驗資料 (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016; 194: 827-849.)。
4.PLoS One, 10(9):e0137563, 2015
IF: 2.766; Ranks: Multidisciplinary Sciences, 14/87, 16.09%
5.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16, 20240-20257, 2015
IF: 3.687; Ranks: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, 52/171, 30.41%
6.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,61(6),1349-56, 2013
IF: 3.154; Ranks: Agriculture, Multidisciplinary, 2/56, 3.57%
8.抑制傷口疼痛專利:Method for treating pain and method for screening pharmaceutical compositions having an anti-pain effect。美國發明專利編號US9999658B2
9.抑制傷口疼痛專利:一種核酸用於製備治療疼痛之藥物組合物的用途與篩選止痛藥物。中華民國專利證號:發明第I 559922號
10.皮膚美白專利 / 技轉:抑制皮膚黑色素沉著之組合物及其用途。美國專利證號:8,455,023,中華民國專利證號:發明第I 481422號,日本專利證號:5773111,ICNI number: 5-02-2012-0246。國際技轉:南非,英國
11.皮膚美白專利 / 技轉:皮膚美白用化合物及皮膚用組成物。中華民國專利:發明第I 426926
12.傷口修復專利:用於傷口癒合的生醫材料及其製造方法。中華民國專利:新型第I 442949號,美國發明專利:9173969 B2,日本發明專利特許第5935181號
13.傷口修復專利:用於促進皮膚細胞增生及/或遷移的組成物、生薑萃取物及其醫藥組成物。中華民國專利證號:發明 I446919號,美國專利證號:8,772,347 B2;日本發明專利證號:2012099204
14.抗菌感染專利:可抑制泛抗藥性鮑氏不動桿菌生長之薑萃取物。美國發明專利證號:8,772,347 B2
15.抗菌感染專利 / 獲獎:抗菌玉蘭花精油之組成物。中華民國發明專利:第I 099118017。2011馬來西亞舉行的ITEX國際發明展-金牌獎,2011中華民國經濟部工業局舉辦國際發明展 – 銅牌獎,2011第36屆克羅埃西亞INOVA國際發明展生技健康照護-金牌獎,2012澳門國際創新發明展-金牌獎 / 韓國特別獎
Industrial Applicability
Medical products for repair after surgery
Multiple functional food ingredients
Functional beverages
Cosmetic developments
Skin care raw materials
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