Technical Name Super Fast AI Server for Terapixel Image Analysis [AI Pathology]
Project Operator National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Project Host
Super Fast AI System enables real time analysis of Gigapixel Image and allows the medical experts to train customized AI model in a short time based on a super fast and smart adaptive deep learning framework. AI models could be built to detect tissues of various types of cancers, syndromes or diseases and compute the quantitative amount of tissues of interests present in the image. Moreover, the AI model can be trained with limited data and produce accurate results. AI models could be easily improved and adapted by the smart learning framework.
Scientific Breakthrough
[AI Pathology] Super Fast AI System for Gigapixel Image Analysis:
Super Fast AI System enables real time analysis of Gigapixel Image and allows the medical experts to train customized AI model in a short time based on a super fast and smart adaptive deep learning framework. AI models could be built to detect tissues of various types of cancers, syndromes or diseases and compute the quantitative amount of tissues of interests present in the image. Moreover, the AI model can be trained with limited data and produce accurate results. AI models could be easily improved and adapted by the smart learning framework.
1. Affordable Super Fast AI/DL System
2. in-house or customized AI Models to Purchase
3. Super Fast AI Learning Framework Available
Industrial Applicability
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