Technical Name Scientific traditional Chinese medicine vertical powder subcontracting machine
Project Operator Chung-Yuan Christian University
Project Host 黃信行
This technology adopts an upright way to subpackage traditional Chinese medicine.
 The existing flat-type traditional Chinese medicine packaging machines on the market have always had the disadvantages that the sub-package is not easy to be evenly distributedthe floor space is too large. Therefore, the vertical sub-packaging technology can not only quickly sub-pack the medicinal powder, but also achieve the effects of improving sub-packing accuracy, reducing powder residue, reducing floor spacesimplifying the operation process.
Scientific Breakthrough
The traditional medicine packaging machine manually controls the uniformity of the powder, which not only has large errors, but also easily produces residual powder. In order to accommodate the back-and-forth movement of the cutting mechanism, the space must be more than twice that of the dispensing mechanism, resulting in a huge occupied space.
 This study replaces traditional technology with vertical subcontracting technology, which greatly reduces the requirement of floor area. At the same time, the precise servo system was used to control the powder output, which not only made the weight uniform, but also reduced the residual amount of powder.
Industrial Applicability
This technology is applied to the subcontracting of scientific traditional Chinese medicine. The vertical powder subcontracting machine is not only suitable for small clinics, but also can be used in large hospitals. The business opportunities are quite large. The vertical medicine powder subcontracting machine has the advantages of small sizefast subcontracting,is suitable for areas with small grounddense people. Due to the high demand for traditional Chinese medicine in the Chinese community the present technology is expected to find popularity in the overseas areas including Hong Kong, Japan, United States,major cities in mainland China.
Keyword scientific Chinese medicine vertical subcontracting technology powder residue medication safety servo motor medicine can scraping mechanism heat insulation Energy saving and environmental protection net zero carbon emissions
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  • Mei-Ching Huang
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