Technical Name Play Table Tennis with Mind:Cognitive Evaluation System of Table Tennis Player
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University
Project Host 蕭富仁
Six majors, 18 assignments, short and quick evaluation of the cognitive function of Table tennis players. After the homework, you can export visual images of each job performance, so that players can easily understand their strengths and weaknesses, try to maintain their advantage and strengthen their disadvantages.
Scientific Breakthrough
Find out the six cognitive aspects related to Table tenniss, including Inhibition Control, Visual Perception, Visual attention, Memory, Emotion, and Sleep. One is oriented to a system to assess the cognitive function of the player.
Industrial Applicability
Six majors, 18 assignments, short and quick assessment of the cognitive function of Table tennis players. After the homework, you can export visual images of each job performance, so that players can easily understand their strengths and weaknesses, try to maintain their advantage and strengthen their disadvantages.
Keyword Sport Psychology Table Tennis Evaluation Cognitive Function Inhibition Control Visual Perception Visual Attention Memory Emotion
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