Technical Name Epi Cone-shell Light-sheet Super Resolution Microscopy
Project Operator National Tsing-Hua University
Project Host 江安世
Epi‐fluorescence microscopy is a microscopic technology in the biological imaging field with non-invasive nature, biomolecular specificity, 3D imaging and multi-colors capability, high N.A. objective lens availability, and simple optical path.
Scientific Breakthrough
Epi Cone-shell Light-sheet Super Resolution Microscopy has following breakthrough compare to existing super-resolution systems:
10x Improvement of Lateral Resolution up to 30 nm
10x Improvement of Axial Resolution up to 50 nm
Multi-Color Imaging Capability
On-line data analysis
Fine-Resolution Images with Ground-Truth Distribution
High N.A. objective lens availability
Industrial Applicability
Epi Cone-shell patent is beautifully designed to prevent photobleaching/damaging, a bottleneck that none of the existing system can fix, in super-resolution market. This patent will also restrict microscope giants like Zeiss or Olympus to encorporate any simliar design in their systems, therefore we can look forward to liscencing or buy-out of this patent.
Keyword Super-resolution microscopy optical-sectioning dSTORM Epi‐fluorescence microscopy Cone-Shell light sheet Microscopy Localization microscopy Excitation beam engineering MULTICHANNEL FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY Microscopy Modules
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