Technical Name A smart air purifier for electronic devices
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University
Project Host 林煥祥
Long-term exposure to air pollution can increase the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Thus, air purifiers are becoming more popular among households. However, conventional air purifier is often larger and more effective only at nearby locations. 
One solution is to develop a smart air purifier that can be installed on a computer monitor, tablet and smartphone. The user will not need to carry an extra air purifier as long as they carry a tablet or smartphone with them. The smart air purifier can track the breathing zone and send purified air directly to the user's breathing zone. Therefore, increasing the removal efficiency of the air purifier. The result shows that the removal efficiency at 30 cm is around 30%. The developed smart air purifier is not only smaller than most air purifier, but also more effective in removing ultrafine particles. Thus, adding values to tablet and smartphone and can help improve the air quality for the user.
Scientific Breakthrough
No current air purifier has the tracking system to send purified air directly to the user's breathing zone. This invention can help increase the efficiency of the air purifier and also save energy. Futhermore, the user do not have to carry a portable air purifier and can enjoy fresh air whenever carrying a tablet or smartphone.
Industrial Applicability
Air pollution is a worldwide problem. We aim to build a smart air purifier that is incorporated into the computer monitor, tablet, and smartphone.  We also aim to build the smart air purifier that is embedded in the case of computer monitor, tablet, and smartphone. The developed product can help increase the value of Taiwan's computer monitor, tablet, and smartphone. It will also help the user breathe in better air quality and help promote public health.
Keyword Air pollution filtration facial recognition, tab tablets smart phone
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