Technical Name Device and method for a piggyback intravenous drip frame with balance control
Project Operator National Chung Hsing University
Project Host
Due to the inconvenience of the conventional intravenous drip frame, the piggyback intravenous drip frame is developed to ensure better mobility of the patient. However, the current design of the piggyback intravenous drip frame leads to a lack of balance control and increment of blood returning. To this end, this invention applies fuzzy control techniques and an inverted-pendulum system to build up a reliable system, which can facilitate patient mobility and ensure patient safety with compensating the inclination angle of the piggyback intravenous drip frame based on the motion information of the patient. Therefore, the reduction of blood returning and the balance control of the piggyback intravenous drip frame can be achieved.
Scientific Breakthrough
現有固定式點滴架(含有滑輪),不具有移動的敏捷與便利性;較新之創作如肩負式(或移動式)等點滴架,雖然具有移動之功能,但無法隨姿勢作修正(如中華民專利M404714、M360702、578557等,如圖1所示),當使用者作前彎或者是後仰等動作時,點滴架隨之傾斜,減少輸液管路之高度差,增加血液迴流風險。另一種移動式創作如加壓式攜帶型點滴 (如中華民國專利M368452等),其原理為利用外加重力驅使點滴輸出,然而此類裝置放於腰部,無法隨意觀察剩餘點滴之容量,其導管在手部下垂時也會干擾到腿部的行動。

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