Technical Name The Dialogue Semantic Analysis of Complex Tasks and Deep Consumption Needs
Project Operator National Cheng Kung University
Project Host
For the shortcomings of the traditional question answering systems can only handle single question intent analysis, this “Dialogue Semantic Analysis of Complex Tasks and Deep Consumption Needs” has developed a practical model for dialogue semantic analysis of complex task and deep consumption need as the basic analysis framework, which can solve ellipsis problem of key semantic structure of contextual questions. When the latter question lacks a main target focus, this model can automatically generate the key semantic structure based on the previous questions, and then obtain the correct semantic structure of the complete intent of the contextual questions.
Scientific Breakthrough
Industrial Applicability
1. 醫療:避免老人亂服成藥,當使用者來告訴聊天機器人,目前身體有哪些症狀,例如:咳嗽、頭痛、頻尿等狀況,機器人會協助使用者判斷可能罹患什麼疾病,進而建議該前往哪一個科別就診。
2. 旅宿:旅行對於現代人來說,已經成為一個放鬆心靈的解藥,我們提供了幾個相關服務,例如:飯店預訂、景點餐廳查詢、詢問天氣、高鐵班次查詢。
3. 休閒育樂:其他基本生活服務,包括:購買書籍、購買商品、預購演唱會及球賽門票、網路音樂及影片欣賞。
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