Technical Name Directly driven Ocean Wave generator
Project Host 周鑑恆
The wave powered generator is divided into four parts: working bodies,  linear generator, bridge-like platform and management circuit. Among them, working bodies obtain wave energy.  Linear generator is directly driven by the working body . The bridge-like platform carries all the components. The management circuit stores energy  integrated into a stable output.
Scientific Breakthrough
None of ocean wave powered generators have been commercialized. We found out the reason why the efficiency of these generators is so low. We decrease the inertia of the energy receiving device and simply the process of energy conversions to make our wave powered much more efficiency and a mature wave powered generator.
Industrial Applicability
Wind power and ocean waves are important green energy. Wind power generation has become a profitable and mature industry. This exhibiting wave powered generator can make wave powered generator a mature green energy technology and become a profitable industry.
Keyword Wave powered generator directly driven green energy efficiency work electromagnetic induction linear generator wave capacitor rectification
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