Technical Name A wireless magnetic resonance device for optogenetic applications in animal model
Project Operator Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica
Project Host 蔡志鑫1、黃智偉2
The wireless remote control device is based on the principle of magnetic resonance to trigger the photo stimulation device and achieve the evenly distributed magnetic field. The electromagnetic field is larger when compared to the traditional radiofrequency device. Moreover, this device induces a lower radiofrequency wave to prevent the hazards of electromagnetic radiation.
Scientific Breakthrough
This wireless remote control device has some crucial advantages. It has smaller device and light weight (receiver coil ≦ 1g). Power supply is lower to induce a smaller electromagnetic wave. It has even and stronger electromagnetic field. It applies to measure various behaviors. It can be applied in rats and mice.
Industrial Applicability
The wireless remote control device can be applied for aged people to ameliorate the symptoms of neurodegeneration and chronic pain in clinical aspect. This device is very useful for old aged society, and it can create a high economic benefit.
Keyword wireless remote control device magnetic resonance non-tethered optical stimulation optogenetics rat mice brain neuroscience optical stimulation channel rhodopsin
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