Technical Name Smart Manufacturing Cyber-Physical System Construction Assistant Framework
Project Operator National Central University
Project Host 江振瑞
The demonstrated technology is a web-based smart manufacturing Cyber-Physical System (CPS) construction assistant framework, called PINE. PINE is web-based. It utilizes Node.js, Elasticsearch, Vue.js, and X-Pack, and  integrates CPS functions, including data acquisition, synchronization, filtering, pre-processing, analysis and deep learning modeling, model management and sharing, as well as online controlling.
Scientific Breakthrough
PINE allows users to directly construct a smart manufacturing CPS, the core of Industry 4.0, through web browser interface. The process is to acquire production parameters and production states through Internet, and then to do data processing, analyzing, deep learning modeling with edge/cloud computing for generating performance prediction and optimized  parameter settings, which are fed back to physical machines.
Industrial Applicability
The demonstrated technology, called PINE, is a web-based smart manufacturing Cyber-Physical System (CPS) framework. It can be applied to various manufacturing industries to achieve smart manufacturing goals, such as reducing manufacturing costs and improving manufacturing efficiency.
Keyword Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Cyber-Physical System Big Data NoSQL Database Data Acquisition Data Synchronization Data Pre-processing Deep Learning IoT
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