Technical Name A high-throughput, micro, 3-dimensional (3-D), bio-mimetic cell culture system (μCulture®)
Project Operator Chang Gung University
Project Host 吳旻憲
High-throughput, micro, perfusion, 3-D, bio-mimetic cell culture system (μCulture®) mainly integrates the technologies of cell culture, microfluidics, and electrical engineering. It aims to provide a stable, bio-mimetic, high throughput, low experimental resource consumption, and user-friendly cell culture tool. We believe that the application of μCulture® is promising to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and cost issues in the life science or medicine-related research works.
Scientific Breakthrough
The technical features of μCulture® include (1) integration of a stable thermal control system, (2) a 3-D culture sample loading scheme that is both efficient and precise, (3) a multiplex medium perfusion mechanism, and (4) a microplate reader–compatible waste medium collector array for the subsequent high throughput bioassays.
Industrial Applicability
High-throughput, micro, perfusion, 3-D, bio-mimetic cell culture system (μCulture®) particularly found its niche market in (1) pharmaceutical R&D, (2) life science research institutes, and (3) personal medicine-based clinical examinations.
Keyword Microfluidic technology Biochip Miniaturization Perfusion High throughput 3-D cell culture Thermal control Preparation of cell culture sample Precision medicine Drug testing
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