Technical Name Mass cytometry for single cell analysis
Project Operator National Central Univerrsity
Project Host 徐沺
Develop work SOP for the CyTOF technology and develop algorithms for data analysis
Scientific Breakthrough
The CyTOF analysis has yielded exceedingly rich information. Samples were collected on a Helios mass cytometer. Resected tissues were first dispersed to obtain cell suspension. These events were gated and exported for downstream analysis. We have identified potential new diagnostic and therapeutic target macrophage population for renal cell carcinoma.
Industrial Applicability
Cancer therapeutic and diagnostic markers
Keyword 腎臟細胞癌 巨噬細胞 單細胞分析 細胞質譜分析儀 生物資訊 癌症標靶 國立中央大學 我愛吃 不要亂吃 快樂
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