Technical Name Novel Microfluid Culture Chip for Germ Cells
Project Operator Taiwan Instrument Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories
Project Host 黃琮道
The technology is to develop a continuous microfluidic chip, using a continuous microfluidic channel to simulate the growth of human germ cells in the fertility tube to the zygotic germ cell growth environment, and hope to improve the artificial reproductive technology success rate and pregnancy rate. Reduce the cost of repeated artificial reproduction, and eventually, develop into medical-grade products and promote local technology to the international market.
Scientific Breakthrough
The products developed by this technology are designed and manufactured in the direction of commercialization and localization of medical device. The microfluidic chip of germ cell is made of materials compatible with biocompatibility, which mean it doesn’t cause cytotoxicity. Furthermore, the statistical results reveal that the chip culture method can replace the conventional culture method.
Industrial Applicability
This technology creates simple products with low operating variables, increase the pregnancy rate, and the willingness of infertile couples to do artificial reproduction. It is vital to promote the growth of Taiwan’s population and delay entry into an aging society. The product has the opportunity to replace traditional inefficient method as a new generation of germ cell culture systems.
Keyword Artificial reproduction technology Microfluidic chip In vitro cell culture Bionic technology Zygote germ cell In vitro uterine environment Microfluidic technology In vitro reproductive culture system Mouse embryo Biocompatibility
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