Technical Name Applying CGI Go Programs to Go Tutoring
Project Operator National Chiao Tung University
Project Host 吳毅成
DeepMind successfully developed AlphaGo, a Go program, beating top human players. However, the current Go programs based on AlphaGo still cannot be used in Go Tutoring, e.g., life-and-death problems, block connections, global board evaluations. In this technique, we solve these problems for tutoring based on CGI programs, developed by our group in the past.
Scientific Breakthrough
Although the current AlphaGo-like programs can surpass top human players, they still cannot exactly prove and solve some common tutoring problems well, like life-and-death (L&D) questions. Here, we propose to combine deep reinforcement learning and relevance zone techniques to solve L&D problems.
Industrial Applicability
Keyword Deep Learning Reinforcement Learning Deep Reinforcement Learning Neural Network Multi-Labelled Value Network Artificial Intelligence Relevance-Zone Board Evaluation AlphaGo Zero Alpha Zero
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