Technical Name Emotion-Oriented Music Box
Project Operator Cheng Shiu University
Project Host 蘇家輝
In this project, we propose a novel method called Discovery of Musical DNA for Music Recognition and Retrieval to clarify the diverse relations between music contents and music concepts. Behind the proposed method, our intent is to perform effective music recognition and music retrieval by mining the special acoustic-genes from the music contents. The major techniques proposed in this project are: (1) Generation of musical DNA, (2) A music recognition technique based on musical DNA, (3) Integrations and applications of the proposed techniques and music box. Through the integration of the above techniques, the content- and concept-aware music acquisition system can be achieved. Moreover, the techniques and systems developed in this project will be transferred to the industry as collaborations. Therefore, this research is expected to produce significant contributions to our country in the field of music information systems.
Scientific Breakthrough
In the experiments, the evaluation results reveal our proposed method performs more promising than the traditional methods on three datasets, namely vocal, instrument and combination of vocal and instrument data.
Industrial Applicability
Keyword Musical DNA content-based music retrieval music recognition acoustic-gene semantic music retrieval music emotion IOT smart speaker Artificial Intelligence Data mining
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