Technical Name Helmet with HUD Supporting Display
Project Operator Lung Hwa University of Science and Technology
Project Host 阮耀弘
A helmet for motorcycle rider with a head-up auxiliary display comprising a body and a display module arranged on the display module, which contains an outer cap layer, an inner cap layer separated from the outer cap layer, and a buffer layer between the outer cap layer and the inner cap layer, which has a projection channel in the formation. The display module consists of a stack mirror located at the end of the projection channel and used to display a projection image, at least one mirror located in the projection channel and in the front level of the mirror, a projection mirror set in the projection channel and in the front stage of the mirror, a projection device within the projection channel that can provide the projection image to the projection group, and a communication piece that is connected to the projection piece.
Scientific Breakthrough
1. It can be connected with mobile phone wirelessly.
2. The image is lifted up and displayed on the helmet mask. When viewed, the image is suspended in the air 1 meter away, which will not affect the knight's sight and concentration.
Industrial Applicability
Keyword Head-up display helmet locomotive driving locomotive navigation flat display technology navigation projection deliver industrial logistics driving information projection technology
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