Technical Name A Piezo and bio-potential sensing SoC with intelligent real-time computing, compressing and buffer management support
Project Operator NPIE Bridge Program
Project Host
In this chip, we integrate sensor read-out circuits for Piezo wave sensors and Bio-potential sensor. We’ll use these two circuits combines with an external Piezo material to create temperature, viberation, pressure and ExG sensors. The sensor data can later be analyzed and processed by the embedded ARM-like processor in realtime within the SoC and store in a circular buffer using reverse encoding technique which has high utilization and small overhead. The processed and compressed data has higher abstraction level than raw data that save bandwidth while transmitting data. The embedded processor can also improve the precision of the sensor by on-line calibrating and better de-noise algorithm.
Scientific Breakthrough
Industrial Applicability


貨物環境感測-可以提早聯絡寄送貨運的買賣方 知道貨物毀損之情形或是可以提供運輸商及時救援貨物之建議

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