Technical Name An Intelligent Refrigerator by Image Recognition, Recipe household-food-ingredients Ordering
Project Operator Cheng Shiu University
Project Host 廖奕雯
This project solves the problem for recipe selection. In this project, we develop an intelligent refrigerator combing food image recognition, individual preference recipes recommendation, recipe household-food-ingredients ordering. The platform also achieves goals of reducing the food waste, recommending recipes, self-purchasing, and effectively managing refrigerator ingredients.
Scientific Breakthrough
1.Food recognition by CNN
2.Recommendation by collaborative filtering
3.Autonomous ordering
Industrial Applicability
This platform can be applied to refrigerator manufactures, food e-commercial stores and physical food markets and so on.
Keyword Intelligent Refrigerator Image Recognition Food Management Personalized Recipe Recommendation Web Crawling Technology Recipe Household-Food-Ingredients ordering Smart Business Industry Food Waste Healthy Cating Health Care
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