Technical Name Voice-Guided Robotic Picking by Interactive Object Referring and 3D Vision
Project Operator National Taiwan University
Project Host 徐宏民
-The brand-new intelligent robotic technology to reduce deployment time and efforts
-Advancing machine comprehension for robotic arms with voice-guided object referring
-Band-new multimodal neural networks balancing efficiency and accuracy
Scientific Breakthrough
-Advancing machine comprehension for robotic arms with voice-guided object referring 
-Band-new multimodal neural network balancing efficiency and accuracy
-Augmenting 3D vision with 2D and voice signals – a novel proposal
-The leading team in poin
Industrial Applicability
-The brand-new intelligent robotic technology to reduce deployment time and efforts in production lines
-Advancing machine comprehension for robotic arms with voice-guided object referring
-Band-new multimodal neural network design balancing efficie
Keyword robotic arms robot pick and grasp object referring industry 4.0 3D vision point cloud human robot interaction deep learning object detection
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