Technical Name A Codex-complying novel food-matching exposure computation technique – Development and customization of Taiwan exposure evaluation model (TDEEM)
Project Operator China Medical University
Project Host 江舟峰
We propose a CODEX-complying novel weighted-pooling exposure computation technique to improve food matching. The method has become the international benchmark. On this basis, we develop a computer system namely Taiwan Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model (TDEEM) which is connected to national food survey data, total diet study data, toxicity data, and health survey data. We further illustrate a dashboard for heterocyclic amines (HCA) management.
Scientific Breakthrough
To improve the food matching quality, we consider not only the consumption rate (CR), but also cooking method in sample design. In the development of TDEEM, we incorporate the data table of CR and CM percentage of each subsample selected for each CF. Accordingly, the weighted pooling percentage of CR × CM can be quickly calculated in sample design for analysis of target chemicals.
Industrial Applicability
The TDEEM developed in this study includes: 5 modules and 14 functions, capable of risk communication among stakeholders. The weighted-pooling technique can improve the quality of food matching. This technique can be applied to the development of customized dashboards for ranking of pesticide risk, listing of priority chemicals, screening of high risk food, evaluation of the association between dietary exposure and health risk.
Keyword Food matching Food safety management Core food Taiwan dietary exposure assessment model (TDEEM) Dashboard Risk communication Pesticide risk ranking Priority chemical list Decision support system (DSS) Total diet study (TDS)
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