Technical Name Potential of Ambient Mass Spectrometry for Rapid DrugsToxin Identification
Project Operator National Sun Yat-Sen University
Project Host 謝建台
Through combining the cutting-edge technology of TD-ESI/MS to its comprehensive database library of toxicants, a fast-track toxicant analytical platforma set of standard operating procedures are developed that enables the emergency physicians to access correct toxicological information within a short turnaround timerescue the poisoned patients based on accurate laboratory data.
Scientific Breakthrough
Traditional mass spectrometric technologies such as LCMSGCMS must reduce matrix effect in order to accurately quantify. Therefore, it was needed to do complicated pretreatment prior to analysislead to be labortime-consuming. Compared to ambient mass spectrometry, it is more suitable for emergency medicine due to the fact it required only a few minutes to complete one analysis.
Industrial Applicability
This screening platform of ambient mass spectrometry is capable of identifying rapidly chemicals that are incorporated in its comprehensive toxicant database library. Its application in clinical toxicology through a set of standard operating procedures allows emergency physicians to obtain correct information in a short period of timetreat the poisoned patients in a precisetimely manner.
Keyword Ambient Mass Spectrometry Laser Desorption-Electrospray Ionization Emergency management Rapid Screening Analysis Platform Point-of-Care Testing Untargeted Screening Psychoactive Drugs Abused Drugs
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