Technical Name Thermoplastic Casting Tape
Project Operator Research and Development Center for Smart Textile Technology
Project Host 芮祥鵬
The invention relates to a thermoplastic thin 2D mesh fabric composite structure, which particularly can be used as a medical protector or in connection with sporting activities with impact resistance, light weight and high air permeability, and has a reshapeable orthopedic support, or fixed support bandages for limbs and / or joints. The thermoplastic thin 2D mesh fabric composite structure mainly includes a breathable mesh fabric and a high molecular polymer coated on the breathable mesh fabric that can be reshaped and reused when exposed to heat.
Scientific Breakthrough
The invention discloses the application of a heating method to apply the high molecular polymer to the breathable mesh fabric, and to punch the composite structure including the coated high molecular polymer and the breathable mesh fabric to form a thermoplastic thin 2D mesh fabric composite structure that can be reshaped and reused when exposed to heat. The using temperature is between 70 to 90 ℃. It is exactly the temperature value passing over the melting temperature, Tm, of the coated polymers.
Industrial Applicability
This product is targeted to replace the traditional cast material- CaO. Moreover, to replace the thermoplastic board (Orfit product) currently used by some hospitals. Furthermore, to replace the thermosetting tape manufactured by 3M Co., which was a composite with reactive polyurethane/glassy fabric. The remained isocyanate compound in the wrapped tape is really harmful to the humane skin. Two special characteristics make this bandage very special: the most light weight and the most breathable as a wrapping cast. We have obtained the vending allow number from the government : 008080.
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