Technical Name Business Operation Guidance System, Apparatus and Method for Vehicle- Donkey Move Door-to-door Pickup Service to Support Long-term Care
Project Operator Feng Chia University
Project Host
Donkey Move Door-to-door Pickup Service to Support Long-term Care making the transport providers more accessible, efficient in operation and available for the people with special needs and the elderly, according to their special needs profile. The system is accessible to users via mobile and web applications.
Scientific Breakthrough
「小驢行無障礙交通接送派遣服務系統」是一個線上到線下(online-to-offline, O2O)的共享汽車媒合系統。它的技術突破性在於動態整合異質服務資源,讓原本的運輸工具進行跨運輸車輛(復康巴士、計程車、租賃車、巴士、偏鄉白牌車…)、跨車隊(個人司機、小型車行與合作社、大型車隊、政府復康車隊經營者…)和跨區域(各縣市自營區域或全台灣聯營區域…)、跨服務(身心障礙者愛心接送、銀髮年長者到府接送、偏鄉居民外出移動、偏鄉物流服務…)方式進行多元服務聯合派遣。藉由使用駕駛繞行路徑之動態資訊整合服務方法(Business Operation Guidance System, Apparatus and Method for Vehicle),讓不同系統間資料可以動態即時交換,打造一個具有人文關懷、扶持弱勢的移動服務生態系統。
Industrial Applicability
Donkey Move aims to establish a barrier-free platform to connect different stakeholders in the society, to remove visible and invisible mobility barriers, and to create a new value exchange system.  Donkey Move aims to become an one-stop platform for dispatching services in various counties and cities and provide door-to-door pickup service in the aged society.
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