Technical Name Image-based Parking Space Detection
Project Operator National Chung Cheng University
Project Host
Previous methods found on camera geometry and projection matrix to select space image region for status classification. By utilizing suitable hand-crafted features, outdoor lighting variation and perspective distortion could be well handled. However, if also considering parking displacement, non-unified car size, and inter-object occlusion, we find the problem becomes more troublesome. To solve these issues in a systematic way, we proposed to design a deep convolutional network to overcome these challenges.
Scientific Breakthrough
In this technology, we use three modules to achieve a robust system.
-First, we introduce a CNN-based deep network to extract more robust semantic features instead of relying on hand-crafted low-level features.
-Second, we integrate a STN into our deep network. The STN aims to adaptively crop, transform, and unify a 3-space input patch according to car sizes, occlusion patterns, and parking displacements.
-Third, in order to analytically solve inter-object occlusion problems, we group 3 neighboring spaces as an input unit. A multi-task loss function is designed to jointly consider the status estimation of the middle space and the occlusion patterns among neighboring spaces. A Siamese architecture is used to learn 3-space feature descriptor can preserve the “semantic” distances.
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