Technical Name ”Xenon” wireless transmission protocol
Project Operator NPIE Bridge Program
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A data transmit process, which was designed to decrease cost and increase reliability. This tech has been apply to proprietary designed Xenon module, an ultra-low-power radio frequency module, and standard Bluetooth, Bluetooth low energy. We further integrated the technology with some reputed medical equipment manufacturers. For the medical equipment manufacturers, they gained competitive advantage through adding the function of internet and wireless transmission; for users, they gained high quality personal health monitoring. It became nature to upload data to internet or hospital; therefore, the hospital or service provider can build up an internet health monitoring system in a short time. The tech be successfully applied and authorized in many projects and industry, served companies and millions of users.
Example of applications:
Cheng Ching hospital National Health Insurance Capitation Payment program served 3 million users and derivate patent. Department of Health, Taipei City Government Cloud Computing on Health Management for Civil Service in Taipei Government program served thousands members and published paper, as reference for Taipei health cards policy. Ministry of Health and welfare Telecare Project Management Office set thousands health station all over Taiwan based on the technic. Wegene Technology Inc. developed wearable wireless EKG and be certified by TFDA, serial products have been applied in Ministry of National Defense. And also adapt by Leadtek Research Inc. to develop KIOSK health station.
Scientific Breakthrough
考慮本無線技術要用來搭配保健器材,為了讓所有的保健器材都能快速導入此技術,並將導入的開發成本降至最低。開發出實體的無線傳輸模組,成本約5美金,該模組只要三條線 (地線,電源,與訊號) 跟保健器材連接,就可付予該器材無線傳輸的功能。保健器材唯一必須搭配的部份是在每次量測後將量測結果以標準 UART 訊號(baud rate=4800)送至訊號線。該模組就會將所送出的訊號原封不動的無線傳送出去,而且使命必達。待機耗電量為5 uA,傳送瞬間會有10mA,但僅僅為時0.004秒的峰值耗電。該模組讓醫療保健器材無線化變得無比容易。我們和合作廠商曾創下一個記錄,某國內血糖計大廠的工程師帶了一臺標準血糖計來,經過一個下午 (包含聊天的時間),它已變成一個可以將資料傳上雲端的雲端血糖計。增加的建置成本約5美金,增加的使用成本為0,因為使用者不需任何額外的操作程序就能自動上傳資料。由於無線傳輸所增加的耗電量(以平均10 uA估算)幾乎感覺不出來。
Industrial Applicability
超低功率無線傳輸模組(Xenon II代)採用無線收發IC為Nordic公司的nRF24LE1,此IC在運作時雖然要耗損10mA左右電流, 但經由對佳化之韌體設計將收發時間降到最低,大部分時候處在待機狀態,僅消耗幾個μA,只在收發瞬間達到10mA,因此平均耗電量降的非常低(小於10uA),無線傳輸採transmit-acknowledge機制,而內建1K byte RF data buffer 可暫存無法傳出的資料,以達到100%傳輸成功的能力。本模組硬體傳輸介面為標準UART,Baud rate:4800,電源供應(VCC):1.9V - 3.6V,數位準位:0 – VCC。採通透性傳輸,使用時不需下達任何指令,只需透過RX接腳傳輸資料,接收端就可收到資料。本模組可連接絕大部分的醫療保健器材,依據 GIA(2014)研究指出,無線健康產品在2020年出貨量可達2.6億台,無線遠距健康監測產品出貨量可達7千6百萬台,2015年全球物聯網在健康照護領域的分析市場規模預估到2020年成長到21.19億美元。
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