Technical Name The Disaster Information Platform & Intelligent dialogue robot for disaster reduction
Project Operator National ScienceTechnology Center for Disaster Reduction
Project Host 陳宏宇
National ScienceTechnology Center for Disaster Reduction has the most complete information for disaster in Taiwan. In recent years, it has achieved good results in assisting the government in disaster reduction decision-makingdisaster response operations. An intelligent dialogue robot for disaster reduction called “Xiaojinang” is displayed to interact with the publicprovide practical disaster reduction information to the public.
Scientific Breakthrough
Intelligent dialogue robot for disaster reduction _ Xiaojinang, an value-addedapplication of semantic analysis design technology, is linked to "Disaster Information Platform", a main service platform of NCDR, to provide instantaccurate disaster reduction data, maps, charts, images for users to acquire diversified disaster reduction information in our daily lives.
Industrial Applicability
The “Disaster Information Platform” provides diversecomplete value-added informationachieves achievements, such as (1) real-time monitoring dataearly warning information to provide disaster reductionrelated industries to develop early warningdisaster reduction systemsApps (2) risk assessmentloss model calculation accuracy improved to facilitate insurance premium
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