• 了解首屆 TIE Award! 徵件說明會影音上架囉!

2022 -07 -08
今年首次辦理的TIE Award(Tech Innovation Excellence Award),以臺灣知名的半導體為號召,向全球新創、法人及學研機構廣發英雄帖!

TIE Award(Tech Innovation Excellence Award)以臺灣知名的半導體為號召,向全球新創、法人及學研機構徵選相關技術與應用,並與指標產業單位合作進行徵選、評審,最終協助團隊於未來科技館展出,和我國大廠交流媒合,促進技術與人才落地。


- Introduction to Tech Innovation Excellence Award (TIE Award): https://youtu.be/qKNGL07pZ9w
- TIE Award Step by Step: https://youtu.be/u67f33Bjjyk
- 參考資訊與報名網址: https://reurl.cc/NAKWA5

[TIE Award 2022] Briefing Sessions – Overseas

This year, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) will co-organize the first “Tech Innovation Excellence Award (TIE Award)” to promote innovative applications of semiconductors in cutting-edge technologies.
**TOTAL Prize Pool Worth up to USD 109,000!
We would like to invite International startups/ research institutions/ legal entities to showcase your innovative solutions that fits in the categories of AI & AIoT, Sensors, Communications, Smart Manufacturing, Autonomous Vehicles, New Energy, and others, to win Cash Prizes, a Free Booth at Taiwan Innotech Expo in Oct 2022, and opportunities to partner with Taiwanese semiconductor companies.

- Introduction to Tech Innovation Excellence Award (TIE Award): https://youtu.be/qKNGL07pZ9w
- TIE Award Step by Step: https://youtu.be/u67f33Bjjyk
- Sign up to the TIE Award before August 7, 23.59 (GMT+8) here: https://reurl.cc/NAKWA5